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First Aid Kits for British Columbia

First Aid Kits

Regulation and non-Regulation First Aid Kits for BC

Be prepared with the appropriate First Aid kit at the ready wherever you are. Home, vehicle or workplace. BC First Aid offers a selection of prepackaged and custom ordered first aid kits to meet every need.

BC Level 1 First Aid Kit

BC Level 1 Regulation Kit

(in stock) This Kit is designed to meet BC Workplace Level 1 requirements. Packaged as of the most compact Level 1 kits available.

24 14 cm x 19 cm wound cleaning towelettes, individually packaged
60 hand cleansing towelettes, individually packaged
100 sterile adhesive dressings, assorted sizes, individually packaged
12 10 cm x 10 cm sterile gauze dressings, individually packaged
4 10 cm x 16.5 cm sterile pressure dressings with crepe ties
2 7.5 cm x 4.5 m crepe roller bandages
1 2.5 cm x 4.5 m adhesive tape
4 20 cm x 25 cm sterile abdominal dressings, individually packaged
6 cotton triangular bandages, minimum length of base 1.25 m
16 safety pins
1 14 cm stainless steel bandage scissors or universal scissors
1 11.5 cm stainless steel sliver forceps
12 cotton tip applicators
1 pocket mask with oxygen inlet + secondary face shield
6 pairs of medical gloves (preferably non-latex)
first aid records, pen & pencil

* To meet BC Level 1 requirements at least 3 blankets must also be available to the First Aid Attendant (not included in this kit)
Family First Aid Kit

Family First Aid Kit

(in stock) A great kit for home or vehicle in an ultra compact size. This kit is almost identical to the occupational kit including essential supplies and protective equipment.

24 14 cm x 19 cm wound cleaning towelettes, individually packaged
60 hand cleansing towelettes, individually packaged
100 sterile adhesive dressings, assorted sizes, individually packaged
12 10 cm x 10 cm sterile gauze dressings, individually packaged
4 10 cm x 16.5 cm sterile pressure dressings with crepe ties
2 7.5 cm x 4.5 m crepe roller bandages
1 2.5 cm x 4.5 m adhesive tape
4 20 cm x 25 cm sterile abdominal dressings, individually packaged
6 cotton triangular bandages, minimum length of base 1.25 m
16 safety pins
1 14 cm stainless steel bandage scissors or universal scissors
1 11.5 cm stainless steel sliver forceps
12 cotton tip applicators
1 face shield
6 pairs of medical gloves (preferably non-latex)
first aid records, pen & pencil
Key chain CPR Kit

Personal Key Chain Kit

(in stock) Carry this tiny kit where you everywhere you go. While not a complete First Aid Kit this ´carry-everywhere´ key chain provides essential protective equipment to ensure your own safety when rendering First Aid.

1 pkg isopropyl alcohol towelettes
1 secondary face shield
1 pairs of medical gloves (preferably non-latex)

CPR Pocket Mask with Oxygen Inlet

Pocket Masks

(in stock) Frequently requested by those with First Aid Training, but these tend to be difficult to find. A standalone pocket mask can be added to your family kit or carried along with you wherever you go for better personal protection and more effective CPR.
Advanced custom first aid kits

Custom Designed First Aid Kits

Need a specific First Aid Kit? Level 2 or 3 compliant, marine, forestry, industrial, or other special application? BC First Aid will work with you to ascertain your needs and create the ideal First Aid kit for your environment and training. Contact us to help fill your first aid kit needs.
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