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February 1st, 2009
February 1st, 2009

BC First Aid - Finalist in Business Awards

BC First Aid Finalist for the Peter Thomson Rising Star Award
BC First Aid Finalist for the Peter Thomson Rising Star Award
BC First Aid has been named a finalist in the 2009 Business Awards of Distinction through the Sunshine Coast Business Retention & Expansion Society. Initially nominated in 2 categories, but as a new business, only eligible for the Peter Thomson Rising Star Award...

Sponsored by Aspire Self-Employment Services and In honor of Peter Thomson this award will is presented to the business that has been in operation between 13 - 36 months that shows leadership, ingenuity and the promise of growth.

BC First Aid is pleased to have been named one of three finalists for this award and regardless of the final winner is honored to be named in such fine company as the other Sunshine Coast business finalists. The other finalists in this category are:

Marcia´s Tapas & Piano Restaurant (Gibsons)
Wild Bistro & Bakery (Gibsons)

for more information see the Business Awards Of Distinction homepage.

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