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First Aid Instruction - Sechelt, Sunshine Coast, BC Canada
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Friday February 7th 2025
main menu3. Specialized First Aid CoursesAdvanced Wilderness & Remote First Aid - Blended
Advanced Wilderness & Remote First Aid - Blended

Advanced Wilderness & Remote First Aid - Blended

Comprehensive first aid and CPR techniques for those who need a higher level of training to work and respond to emergencies in isolated or wilderness settings. Training is also suitable for those who act as guides or supervisors for groups of people. The course covers material in Standard First Aid & CPR, plus advanced strategies for providing extended care for more than 24 hours. The majority of the course is taught in an outdoor setting and requires greater physical activity and endurance than typical first aid training.


Please review: required equipment list and signed medical formrequired equipment list and signed medical form
required equipment list and signed medical form

Size: 769.68K

Course Overview

  • 40-hour indoor/outdoor course with flexible scheduling options
  • Includes CPR Level C
  • Provides you with a 3-year certification
  • Includes AED (Automated External Defibrillation) certification

Topics Include

  • Preparation and planning
  • Wound care
  • Your health
  • Cold- and heat-related emergencies
  • What is the P.L.A.N.?
  • Environmental situations
  • Airway emergencies
  • Poisons
  • Breathing and circulation emergencies
  • Medical emergencies
  • First aid for respiratory and cardiac arrest
  • Evacuation and transportation
  • Head and spine injuries
  • Extended care
  • Bone, muscle and joint injuries

Courses on Your Schedule

Courses are scheduled when requested by our clients. Since we don't have any scheduled dates for this type of course right now, you can request one. Just check our calendar to find the dates that work for you and then drop us a line to request the course you need, when you want it - we always do our best to accommodate. It's usually best to try and plan ahead about 2 weeks but we can work with tighter schedules especially with groups.

It's Easy:
  1. Check our calendar
  2. Find available dates that work for you
  3. Contact Us with your requested course and date

Please contact us if you have any questions or need further information.
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